Creek Bed Farmacy is pleased that you are considering using our beautiful farm as the backdrop for your photos. The guidelines outlined below are intended for all guests.
We do not allow any outside commercial photo shoots on property without our approval. Professional photographers may BOOK an appointment by emailing your completed Photography Waiver Form to us at farmer@creekbedfarm.com or calling (608) 635-8798. We require all photographers to apply 3 days prior to the date requested for the photo shoot.
Share your photos using our hashtag #creekbedfarmacy

Photo Guidelines For All Photographers
Remember that Creek Bed Farmacy (CBF) is a public place as well as a working farm, and that regular business and farm operations continue during normal operating hours.
Visitors must check in with CBF staff before exploring the grounds unattended. CBF reserves the right to restrict access to certain areas based on crop production or project needs.
Please do not enter flowerbeds, animal displays, or crop rows. Remain on the pathway at all times. You may carefully enter strawberry beds or sunflower fields. Any produce or flowers picked need to be paid for.
No alcoholic beverages may be brought onto the premises.
No smoking or vaping will be permitted on the premises.
No pets are allowed at CBF due to food safety certifications.
No clothing changes are permitted.
Do not disturb or remove plants, plant labels, or containers.
Do not block entrances, pathways, or farm areas for use by others in any way.
Everyone must park in the parking lot. Hayrides will take you to various locations.
NO AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY or DRONES without special permission from CBF ten days in advance of the event & you must be compliant with all Drone Flying regulations. Flying over non-participating people is currently prohibited by the FAA with regulations 107.39.
Professional Photographer Pricing
We charge $25 per one hour session on weekdays, $50 for a 3 hour block or $100 for a 5 hour block of time of time during business hours and double these rates for sessions on weekends during business hours. Please email for off season rates.
Amateur Photographers
Individual photographers are welcome to take informal photographs of plants, individuals, or subjects at CBF for their personal use and enjoyment. You may share your photos of CBF on social media outlets, including Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and Instagram.
Feel free to join our online community by “checking in” at Creek Bed Farmacy or by using the hashtag #creekbedfarmacy. If you are not selling your images or being paid to capture the images, you are encouraged to take and share as many pictures as you like.
You are welcome to share images you are particularly proud of with us for consideration to be shared by CBF with credit on our social media platforms.