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Donation Request Form
In The Community
The Creek Bed Farmacy is dedicated to improving the communities in the Columbia County, WI region. We seek to provide educational and enjoyable experiences for families, school & youth groups. We also seek to employ individuals from our community and to support local organizations.
As an active member of the community, Creek Bed Farmacy is often asked to contribute to local fundraisers and organizations. No business can contribute monetarily to every cause, so we have set a policy regarding ticket donation requests to make the process work for both the requesting party and our farm business. We already donate items like pumpkins, fall decorations, strawberries, sweet corn, etc... to a long list of charities - and are not able to donate these items to any additional charities at this time.
Donation Policy
Our donation policy applies ONLY to non-profit (501c3) groups with a valid, current tax ID number or for-profit businesses holding a charitable organization number from the WI DFI.
Donation requests must be made at least 2 weeks prior to when you need the gift certificates. We fill donation requests for the current corn maze season year starting January 1st and ending October 1st. In other words, we will not accept applications after October 1st for gift certificates. You'll need to wait until January to apply for the following year.
Requests must be made using the form below and a link to the organization's web site must be included for verification.
Donations are limited to one per year, per organization.
We donate (2) Family Four Paks of tickets good for the current season only. We have found this system generates a better return for the organizations because a single Family Four Pak has a monetary value of about $50. Auctioning (2) Four Paks at retail value is the equivalent of $100. Many organizations receive even more than retail value during fundraisers.
Organizations must be in Columbia, Sauk, Dodge or Dane County Wisconsin.